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SRA EX-6000 Appliances SRA EX-6000 Services
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SRA EX-9000 Appliances SRA EX-9000 Services
E-Class SRA Virtual Appliance & Services

E-Class Secure
Remote Access Appliances

Secure Remote Access Appliances
Capacity Up to 20,000 concurrent users per device (up to tens of thousands when load balancing multiple units) Up to 500 licensed users
Granular Access Control User and Group, Source IP, Device Identity, Device Integrity, Service/Port, Destination URL, Host Name/IP Address, IP Range, Subnet, Domain, Citrix® Server Farm, Time-of-Day User and Group, Source IP, Service/Port
Mobile Device Support Dell SonicWALL E-Class SRA delivers Mobile Connect ™ “in-office” access for iOS, Mac OSX, Google® Android™ , Kindle Fire and Windows 8.1 devices, browser-based access for Symbian®, Blackberry® and WAP browsers, and ActiveSync support for Apple iPhone®, iPad®, Google Android® or Windows Phone devices. Dell SonicWALL SRA delivers Mobile Connect ™ “in-office” access for iOS , Mac OSX, Google® Android™, Kindle Fire and Windows 8.1 devices.
Endpoint Control: Client Interrogation Windows, Apple Mac OS®, iOS, Google Android and Linux® (Detect jailbreak, rooted, anti-virus, personal firewall, anti-spyware, running applications, client side certificates, mapped directories, registry keys, resident files, Windows Domain, OS version) Windows, Apple Mac OS® , iOS, Android, and Linux® (Detect jailbreak, rooted, anti-virus, personal firewall, anti-spyware, running applications, client side certificates, mapped directories, registry keys, resident files, Windows Domain)
End user device authorization policy terms Acceptance enforcement, management and reporting of personal device authorization policy terms for iOS, Mac OSX and Android device users N/A
Mobile Application VPN Access Control Mobile app VPN access control for iOS, Mac OSX, Android devices N/A
Endpoint Control: Session Protection Cache cleaner (multiple platforms) Cache cleaner (Windows only)
Remote Support and Remote PC Access Support for up to a maximum of 250 concurrent technicians on the EX9000 platform Support for up to a maximum of 25 concurrent technician tunnels on the SRA 4600
Load Balancing Functionality N/A Support for up to a maximum of 10 Web servers that can be load-balanced via the SRA 4600
Web Application Firewall N/A Available as a licensable add-on, this service can help attain PCI compliance, as well as greater security and performance for Web-applications
Terminal Emulation over SSL VPN Web-based access to Citrix® servers or server groups, Windows® Terminal Services applications, VMWare® View for Windows, Mac OS® and Linux® devices and Dell vWorkspace Web-based access to Citrix servers, Windows Terminal Services applications for Windows, Mac OS and Linux® devices
High Availability Active/Active stateful failover, integrated load balancing for up to 2 nodes, with external load balancer up to 8 nodes Active/Passive failover functionality is available on the SRA 4600
Capacity Spike Licenses Ability to temporarily increase concurrent user capacity Ability to temporarily increase concurrent user capacity
Central Reporting and Management SNMP support, Dell SonicWALL Advanced Reporting, Dell SonicWALL™ Analyzer support, Syslog support SNMP support, Dell SonicWALL Global Management System support, Dell SonicWALL Analyzer support, Syslog support
End user device authorization policy terms Acceptance enforcement, management and reporting of personal device authorization policy terms for iOS, Mac OSX and Android device users N/A
Mobile Application VPN Access Control Mobile app VPN access control for iOS, Mac OSX, Android devices N/A